Reiki Level 2 Course


This is a 2-Days course, where you will be given the Reiki level 2 attunement. You will learn the 3 sacred Reiki Symbols that will empower you in your healings and will open the doors for higher level of awareness and manifestation. Pre-requisite: 3 days vegetarian diet prior to the course. At least 21 days of regular practice of Reiki level 1. Price: Rs 6000/- ( Inclusive Course Kit, Manual, CD, Certificate, Lunch and refreshment) Review fee: Rs 3000/- ( Excludes Course Kit, Manual, CD, Certificate.)

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This is a 2-Days course, where you will be given the Reiki level 2 attunement. You will learn the 3 sacred Reiki Symbols that will empower you in your healings and will open the doors for higher level of awareness and manifestation.

  1. The First Reiki Sacred symbol is used to activate more Reiki energy. With the First Sacred symbol, you will be able to raise your Reiki healing power from 20% (normal for a Reiki Level I Practitioner) up to 100%. You will learn how to activate the first sacred key in each of the Reiki treatment patterns (yes, it does makes a difference).
  2. The Second Reiki Sacred symbol is for mental/emotional balance and healing. This symbol also possesses an energy all of its own. It opens a communication pathway with the body that allows you to bring mental, emotional and spiritual healing to any condition or situation. The use of this symbol will raise your Reiki healing ability to the next level! You’ll be able to immediately use these powerful techniques on yourself as well as on other people. You will learn how to use this symbol on a wide range of conditions, e.g., emergency situations, chronic conditions of all types, depression, anxiety, addiction, quit smoking (yes, for this too!), insomnia, chronic pain, low self-worth, financial insecurity and lack of abundance, finding the right romantic relationship and much more. The Masters regularly say: “If you are not using the Second Reiki Key properly, then you are missing out on 50% of what Reiki can do for you!”
  3. The Third Sacred Reiki symbol is used for absent/distant healing or treatments. Using this key, you will be able to give Reiki to anyone, any time, any where. There is no such thing as time and space when it comes to Reiki. You will learn how to properly activate this key and energetically connect with the person or situation you are treating. It will feel as if they were directly under your hands! You will feel the Reiki energy as it flows into their body! If the person is sensitive he or she will feel the Reiki energy too! When properly practiced, Reiki absent treatments allow you to use all of the techniques that are available for Reiki hands-on treatments. What is more, Reiki absent treatments are just as effective as Reiki hands-on treatments, when administered correctly. By properly learning and using this technique, you will be able to help friends and family, no matter how far away they may live!


  • 3 days vegetarian diet prior to the course.
  • At least 21 days of regular practice of Reiki level 1.

Price: Rs 6000/- ( Inclusive Course Kit, Manual, CD, Certificate, Lunch and refreshment)

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