
Meditation Schedule

The Centre carries out FREE group meditation sessions that are simple to practice and help to boost up inner strength, inner healing, peace and harmony within oneself and to cope with challenges of life and to lead a stress-free life. The meditations are simple to practice and are open to everybody.

We offer different types of meditations, each having a specific purpose and offer a unique spiritual & healing experience to the practitioner. We invite to join us for a blissful and peaceful spiritual experience in person at our centre.

General Guidelines for all meditations
1) Be on time for the meditation sessions (at least 5 minutes prior the session).
2) Always do some physical and breathing exercises to prepare yourself for the meditation. Ask us, we will be glad to share with you a simple set of preparation exercises.
3) Always do exercise after the meditation.
4) Maintain a physical body hygiene as we are going to meditate in a group.
5) Full Moon Meditation starts at 16:30 with Om Chanting

All meditation sessions are also accessible on Zoom. The Zoom Link is:  Password: 1111

We invite you to join the Chakra meditation every Friday @ 10:00 AM and on Sunday @ 6:00 am. It is a guided meditation open to all.

The Chakra meditation helps to increase the vibratory level of your Chakras making them highly activated and empowered. It is a powerful meditation for health, wealth and illumination.

In the Chakra meditation guided by Master Vijay Raghavan, you will meditate on the seven major Chakras in a sequence and chant the ‘seed’ mantra for that Chakra. After chanting the mantra, you may visualise the organs or parts of the body governed by the Chakra filled with white light and affirm that the organ or part of the body is healthy.

The mantras for each Chakra can be chanted seven times. However, if you are overwhelmed with energy or feel any discomfort after the meditation, you may reduce it to three chants for each Chakra. Also, initially practice this meditation on alternative days.

It is important to do physical exercises before and after the Chakra meditation. Also, diaphragmatic breathing technique or other breathing techniques will be very beneficial to practice prior to the meditation.

Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha
Om Tat Savitur Varenayam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat

…which means We meditate on the glory of the Creator; Who has created the Universe; Who is worthy of Worship; Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light; Who is the remover of Sin and Ignorance; May He open our hearts and enlighten our Intellect.

The Gayatri Mantra begins with a reference to the three planes namely Bhur, Bhuvah and Swah, which are the physical (Bhur Lok – earth), astral (Bhuvah Lok – ‘suksham’ or subtle world) and the causal (Swah Lok – ‘swarga’ or paradise).

This powerful mantra is a great tool for Cleaning the aura & chakras, Developing Intuition and Buddhic Intelligence, Increasing mental sharpness and emotional strength and Prayers to the Supreme God manifesting through the Sun.

We invite you to join us for a powerful Gayatri Mantra Meditation and experience a blissful oneness.

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat

1: Om, We Worship the Tryambaka (the Three-Eyed One),
2: Who is Fragrant (as the Spiritual Essence), Increasing the Nourishment (of our Spiritual Core);
3: From these many Bondages (of Samsara) similar to Cucumbers (tied to their Creepers),
4: May I be Liberated from Death (Attachment to Perishable Things), So that I am not separated from the perception of Immortality (Immortal Essence pervading everywhere).

The Maha Mrityunjaya mantra is one of the most powerful and ancient healing mantras in the yoga tradition. It is a long and complicated phrase that requires effort to understand the many layers of meaning and to unveil its transformative powers. This Sanskrit verse to Shiva, the ultimate protector and harbinger of victory, is believed to have the power to conquer death and grant inner peace, strength, and prosperity to its chanters. The sages have hailed the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra as nothing less than the heart of the Vedas – ancient scriptures brimming with wisdom and spiritual insight. Alongside the revered Gayatri mantra, it occupies a place of utmost importance among countless mantras used for deep contemplation, self-realization, and meditation.

The time of the full moon is a period when spiritual energies are uniquely available and facilitate a closer rapport between humanity and the Hierarchy.

Meditation is one of the most beneficial acts during the full moon and one of the potent methods of service to humanity and to mother earth. During meditation basically the mind of the meditator becomes a channel to receive the energies of divine light, love and power and later distribute it to a family, community and further to the whole humanity. The moment of full moon every month therefore, offers greatest opportunities for meditation, not only to cultivate personal benefits but also to take part in the manifestation of the Divine Plan on earth.

Although any time of year is good for meditation and people who are ready and available can tap into the energies of the divine, there are energy cycles that make this easier and more powerful, and full moon is one of them.

“The twelve annual Festivals will constitute a revelation of divinity.” Alice A. Bailey

Full Moon meditation if done in a group can even create a far greater effect as the group’s synergy can bring down more divine energy compared to an individual.

The Meditation on Twin Hearts is one of the best choices to be conducted in groups during the full moon time, as it is a guided meditation that creates better avenues for the practitioners to become channels of divine light, love and power to flow to the earth and every person and every being residing in it. It is therefore not only elevates the meditators personally, but also make them channels of mercy and peace on earth.

Besides the calming and uplifting effects of meditation, many other benefits can be cultivated through meditation such as:

  • Deeper Purification
  • Greater Spiritual Experiences
  • Faster Manifestation of Wishes
  • Greater Chance for World Service
  • Spiritual Empowerment
  • Anchoring of spiritual energy

Great Invocation for Mauritius

Focus gives power! When recited together, ‘The Great Invocation for Mauritius’ produces a cleansing and empowering effect in our country.

Our country is naturally blessed with an ambience of serenity. Compared to most parts of the world, our people are more spiritual, cultured and friendly. We are one among a few countries in the world to have been blessed with ‘unity in diversity’.

Great Invocation for Mauritius

We firmly believe that as we engage in wholesome thoughts, these result in wholesome words and actions. And we also believe that as we transform the energy individually and collectively, the conditions of life and our country will improve tremendously.

Imagine a united, strong, prosperous, healthy and spiritually advanced Mauritius – free of frustration, stress, drugs-tobacco-alcohol addictions, robbery, poverty, corruption and accidents. Imagine our country where our children are protected and safe from all negative influences including drugs. Imagine our country where every person, every being is filled with intelligence, love, peace, abundance and joy! This is Lumière Maurice Mission 2024 – a project to make Mauritius a spiritual paradise and to make our country a role model for the world.

The Great Invocation is a mantra given in 1937 to Alice Bailey by the Holy Master Djwal Khul. as an instrument to help the Divine Plan fulfill on earth. It is a world prayer, translated into almost 70 languages and dialects. It is an instrument of power to aid the Plan of God find full expression on Earth.  It is strongly believed that regular practice of this prayer is a great act of service to humanity.

As the spiritual evolution of the Earth is accelerating, so are the physical changes. There is hardly a week going by without the news of another natural disaster as well as acts of terrorism, crime, military conflicts, poverty etc. At this time Mother Earth needs tremendous amount of blessings, healing and protection. The Great Invocation, when recited with humility and reverence, releases and harmonizes the Light, Love and Will aspect of God manifested through Humanity. The Great Invocation has enormous healing and protection power and is one of the most effective ways to harmonize and re-orient humanity toward Unconditional Love, Intelligent Mind and Common Goals of spiritual evolution according to the Divine Plan.

The modified and adapted version of The Great Invocation can be used as a simple meditation by one and all since this invocation belongs to humanity as a whole.