The Causal Body and the Ego


The Casual Body is the vehicle of the immortal principle of man, the Ego, which survives the death and disintegration of the lower bodies – physical, astral, and mental. It acts as a receptacle for the essence of man’s experiences and lessons in his various incarnations. In the Casual Body also lies the creative power […]

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The Casual Body is the vehicle of the immortal principle of man, the Ego, which survives the death and disintegration of the lower bodies – physical, astral, and mental. It acts as a receptacle for the essence of man’s experiences and lessons in his various incarnations. In the Casual Body also lies the creative power of meditation.

This classic work by Arthur Powell is a part of series of books seeking to provide a condensed synthesis of the considerable literature given by well-known theosophical writers. By giving orderly arrangement of information, the reader can construct for himself an outline into which further insight can be built.

Other books in the series are The Etheric Double, The Astral Body, The Mental Body, and The Solar System.