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Category: What we do.
Discovering Reiki…
Discovering Reiki… The Amazing Power For Healing, Self- Empowerment, Personal Growth And Spiritual Development “Reiki will spread all over the world, healing the people and the Earth as a whole.” – Extracts of epitaph on Usui memorial written in 1926 by Juzaburo Ushida, Second President, Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai Reiki is a gentle, nonintrusive healing technique that…
YES! Everything is about ENERGY!
Just like we have a visible physical body, we also have an invisible energy body (comprising of our chakras, aura, and subtler matter) that surrounds us and which needs to be maintained as well. Regular physical and breathing exercises, proper diet, good and benevolent thoughts, words & actions, and meditation naturally help in maintaining a healthy energy body. However…